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Refereed Articles

1. "The Politics of Tariff Cooperation in the Presence of Trade Costs",

Review of International Economics,  vol. 32(4), pp. 1726-1750, 2024. (with Tsubuku, M.)

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2. "Endogenous Capital Supply and Equilibrium Leadership in Tax Competition",

International Review of Economics and Finance,  vol. 70, pp. 622-634, 2020. (with Kawachi, K. & Ogawa, H.)

Former title: "Equilibrium Leadership in Tax Competition for Endogenous Capital Supply"

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3. "Endogenizing Government's Objectives in Tax Competition with Capital Ownership",

International Tax and Public Finance, vol. 26(3), pp. 571-594, 2019. (with Kawachi, K. & Ogawa, H.)

*** LINK to Journal Website *** 

4. "Strategic Delegation in Asymmetric Tax Competition",

Economics & Politics, vol. 29(3), pp. 237-251, 2017. (with Ogawa, H.)

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5. "Majority Voting and Endogenous Timing in Tax Competition",

International Tax and Public Finance, vol. 24(3), pp. 397-415, 2017. (with Ogawa, H.)

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6. "Endogenous Timing in Tax and Public Investment Competition",

Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, vol. 171(4), pp. 641-651, 2015. (with Kawachi, K. & Ogawa, H.)

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7. "Capital Allocation in an Asymmetric Tax Competition Model with Agglomeration Economies",

Letters in Spatial and Resource Science, vol. 7, pp. 185-193, 2014.

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Non-Refereed Articles

1. "A Note on Election in the Presence of Fiscal Equalization Transfer",

産業経済探求, vol. 2, pp. 1-9, 2019.

+++NOT available online+++

2. "A Note on Relative Timing of Election in Public Investment Competition",

産業経済探求, vol. 1, pp. 1-8, 2018.

+++NOT available online+++

Working Papers (available online)

1. "Endogenous Timing of Elections under Tax Competition",

SSRN Working Paper Series, No. 4664507, 2023.

***LINK to WP/DP Website***

2. "Affluence and Influence under Tax Competition: Income Bias in Political Attention"

SSRN Working Paper Series, No. 4562813, 2023.

***LINK to WP/DP Website***

3. "Timing of Elections under Globalization: A Tax Competition Approach",

SSRN Working Paper Series, No. 3383324, 2019.

***LINK to WP/DP Website***

4. "Municipal Merger and Tax Competition",

Nagoya University ERC Discussion Paper, No. E15-5, 2015. (with Ogawa, H.)

***LINK to WP/DP Website***

Works in Progress

1. "Strategic Delegation in Public Investment Competition"


2018年度〜2020年度 科学研究費 若手                       研究代表者

2017年度〜2021年度 科学研究費 基盤研究(B) 研究分担者

2016年度〜2018年度 科学研究費 若手(B)   研究代表者


​2024年10月 日本財政学会 若手研究者奨励賞

2017年07月 中部大学2016年度教育活動優秀賞

2015年11月 公共選択学会「公共選択のフロンティア」優秀報告賞(原田賞)

2015年03月 Student Fellow Award of the Public Choice Society

Referee Service

International Tax and Public Finance, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Economic Modeling,


Economics of Governance 

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